Safe Sport International are hosting their 4th Annual SSI Global Conference, “Hope, Healing and Transformation”, September 2023.
UN Commission on the Status of Women 67
On March 8, 2023, the board members of WomenSport International along with four other women’s sport organizations presented at the UN CSW 2023.
WomenSport International Tribute and Appreciation to Dr. Nada Knorre
Nada and I met in September 1999 at a regional seminar on women and sport for the European Olympic Committee in Zagreb, Croatia. I was a speaker at the seminar when Nada introduced herself as the Chairperson of the Women and Sport Committee (WSC) for the Czech Olympic Committee since 1997. She asked if I could help her with the development of the work of the Women Sport Committee. This request was the start of a collaboration between us, the Norwegian School of Sport Science and the Czech Olympic Committee and the start of a friendship that has lasted over 20 years.