(updated June 2; revised June 19 1998; revised May 8, 2008; revised December 15 2018)
The name of the organization shall be WomenSport International (hereinafter referred to as “WSI”)
Section 1: In this Constitution the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
- “Articles” shall mean the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of WSI;
- Advisory Board” and “Executive Board” shall mean the Advisory Board and Executive Board of WSI as provided in this Constitution;
- “WSI Board” shall mean the WSI Board, comprising members of the Executive Board and Advisory Board of WSI as provided in this Constitution;
- “Member” shall mean any person or organization eligible for membership pursuant to this
Constitution; - “Officers” shall mean the paid, elected, and appointed officers as determined pursuant to this Constitution and shall include the members of the Executive Board (President, Vice President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer), members of the Advisory Board, and Committee and Task Force . A position of Secretary General may also be included.
Section 2: Words importing the singular number shall include the plural and words importing the female gender shall include the male gender, transgender, intersex, and other forms of gender identity.
Section 1: The headquarters of WSI shall be in a location determined by the WSI Board.
Section 1: WSI is an international organization dedicated to bringing about positive change for girls and women in and through sport and physical activity in all roles and at all levels of involvement. This corporation is organized exclusively for scientific and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this corporation shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities, or exercise any powers not in furtherance of section 501 (c) (3) purposes.
Section 1: The objectives of WSI shall be:
1.1 To promote opportunities for girls and women in and through sport and physical activity.
1.2 To educate girls and women on the benefits of participation in sport and physical activity.
1.3 To develop an international database.
1.4 To disseminate, through member groups and countries, educational material pertaining to the participation and involvement of girls and women in sport.
1.5 To identify issues of importance to girls and women in sport and physical activity and to recommend, and/or where appropriate, to design strategies for change.
1.6 To work with sports governing bodies and other appropriate national and international organizations in order to promote girls’ and women’s involvement in sport at all levels of participation, including coaching, administration, decision making, officiating, sports science, and the like.
1.7 To encourage networking between member groups and countries.
1.8 To promote research into problems and issues relating to female participation in sport and physical activity.
1.9 To serve as an international advocacy group whose work is strongly based in current research.
Section 1: WSI shall have the rights, powers and privileges to do such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the purposes and objectives of WSI.
Section 2: To be a competent authority with respect to the promotion of the rights of girls and women in sport and physical activity and to seek recognition of its status at national and international levels.
Section 3: To promote girls’ and women’s sport and physical activity and to delegate to any competent member the carrying out of any such promotion in a particular region or area.
Section 4: To keep such records as are necessary including details of membership of all members.
Section 5: To provide for the representation of WSI at relevant meetings from time to time.
Section 6: To liaise with national and international groups and any other appropriate government or non-governmental bodies pertaining to the promotion of girls’ and women’s sport and physical activity.
Section 1: WSI is a non-profit corporation incorporated in the state of Washington, United States of America.
Section 2: Administration of the corporation is conducted by a WSI Board, which consists of an Executive Board and an Advisory Board.
Section 3: The headquarters of WSI may be established with the approval of the WSI Board.
Section 4: The financial year shall be the period from January 1 to December 31 in any year.
Section 1: Membership of WSI shall be of the following classes:
1.1: Active Membership. Active membership shall be open to individuals who support the aims and objectives of WSI and want to take an active role in the organization. (This includes the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting and in elections, and to run for office).
1.2: Associate membership. Associate membership shall be open to individuals who support the aims and objectives of WSI but do not wish to take a full, active role.
1.2.1 Individuals who wish to make monetary contributions to further WSI but no other privileges of membership.
1.2.2 Individuals who are members of organizations who join WSI in the organizational category (see 1.3 below).
1.2.3 Students. Student membership is open to those involved in a degree program and enrolled in at least one class each term.
1.3: Organizational membership. Organizational membership shall be open to any organization that supports the aims and objectives of WSI. Members of such organizations shall automatically become associate members.
Section 1: The officers of WSI shall normally consist of an Executive Board comprised of a President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and an Advisory Board not to exceed 10 members reflecting the geographical and ethnic diversity of the mission of WSI. The total number of WSI Board members shall not normally exceed 15.
Section 2: During the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President.
Section 3: The election of members of the WSI Board shall be conducted in accordance with this Constitution.
Section 4: The WSI Board shall assume office in accordance with this Constitution.
Section 1: The WSI Board shall normally consist of up to 15 members, comprising an Executive Board (normally 5 members), and an Advisory Board (normally 10 members).
Section 2: The WSI Board shall control and manage the business and affairs of WSI in accordance with this Constitution. The WSI Board will be solely responsible for matters of policy, contractual obligations and approval of the annual budget.
Section 3: In addition to those matters identified in Article 6 (Section 1), the business of a WSI Board meeting shall include: ratifying minutes of the previous meeting of the WSI Board; dealing with business arising from the previous meeting and any other new business; the disbursement of monies in accordance with the annual budget; and the general business of WSI.
Section 4: In meetings of the WSI Board the President shall occupy the Chair and if she be absent the Vice President shall be the Chair.
Section 5: All resolutions of the WSI Board shall be determined by a simple majority of votes cast and each member of the WSI Board shall have one vote. The Chair shall have a casting vote in addition to her deliberative vote.
Section 6: The WSI Board shall approve the policies and conduct of business of WSI implemented by the Executive Board.
Section 7: The WSI Board shall meet no fewer than once a year at a location or locations to be determined by the Executive Board, in consultation with the Advisory Board. When possible, one of those meetings shall be the regular Annual General Meeting of WSI. Minutes of such meetings shall be distributed within 30 days of such meeting to members of the WSI Board.
Section 8: Additional special meetings of the WSI Board may be called by the President upon written request signed by at least three members of the WSI Board. Such a meeting shall be called within 14 days of the receipt of such a request and shall be held within 30 days of the calling of the meeting.
Section 9: A quorum for the transaction of business by the WSI Board shall consist of a simple majority including proxies. Members of the WSI Board shall not hold more than three proxy votes in the transaction of business. In the absence of a quorum, business may be transacted by a mail, email or online survey tool vote.
Section 10: The WSI Board shall have the authority to employ administrative staff subject to budgetary guidelines.
Section 11: The WSI Board shall have the power to appoint persons to represent WSI on other bodies as may be required from time to time, perform such other acts and functions as required by the Constitution including such powers of delegation as it may from time to time determine
Section 12: In the event of a death, resignation or other action resulting in a vacancy among the WSI Board, said vacancy shall be filled by an interim Presidential appointment of a member of WSI. The appointee shall serve until a new, duly elected WSI Board member shall be certified as elected. Elections to fill vacancies shall occur by a mail, email or online survey tool vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Section 13: A WSI Board member, whether a member of the Advisory Board or Executive Board, who is absent from a meeting of the WSI Board may designate another member of the group to cast a proxy vote in her stead. Such proxy vote must be designated in writing by the absentee member and deposited with the President before a vote is taken.
Section 14: Conflict of interest: An officer or member of the WSI Board may not take action in her official capacity with WSI in any matter in which her impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to instances in which she has a personal stake in the matter, whether direct or indirect, and whether pecuniary or otherwise. However, an officer or a member of the WSI Board may act in such a matter if a majority of the WSI Board gives its approval after full disclosure by the officer or WSI Board member of the fact.
Section 15: Unless otherwise determined by the WSI Board, terms of office for the Executive Board and Advisory Board members shall be limited to no more than two consecutive four-year terms in the same office. A change of office is possible after two consecutive four-year terms and may lead to that person holding a WSI Board position for longer than eight years. For the offices of Treasurer and Secretary, it may be possible to continue beyond two consecutive four-year terms if other members of the Board unanimously agree this is most convenient for the running of the organization. After one year’s absence from the WSI Board, former WSI Board members may be nominated for a new term of office.
Section 1: The Executive Board shall normally consist of the following officers of WSI; the President, Vice President, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer. A Secretary-General may also be included.
Section 2: The Executive Board will perform routine administrative and corporate functions related to the concerns of WSI. The Board shall meet at the call of the President or upon written request of three Executive Board members. Decisions of the Board shall be subject to the review of the Advisory Board. If so empowered by the WSI Board, the Executive Board may act with the full authority of the Board in specific, well-defined areas. In such cases, the Executive Board shall meet independently of the Advisory Board, after circulating the Agenda prior to the meeting, and the Minutes within 30 days of the meeting.
Section 3: A quorum for the transaction of business by the Executive Board shall consist of a majority of the body concerned, including proxies. Members of the Executive Board shall not hold more than 2 proxy votes in the transaction of business. In the absence of a quorum, business may be transacted by mail, email or online survey tool vote.
Section 4: At meetings of the Executive Board, the President shall occupy the chair and if she be absent the Vice President shall be the Chair.
Section 1: Committee and Task Force Chairs, in consultation with the Vice President, shall prepare a slate of proposed committee/task force members for approval by the Executive Board. Upon approval, the President shall send letters of appointment with task instructions and terms of appointment specified therein. Each Standing Committee will have at least one member from the Advisory Board. Additional positions on each Committee must be filled by WSI members. Appointments to Committees will ordinarily be for 4-year terms; however, a person may be reappointed.
Section 2: The members of all Committees shall hold office until their qualified successors have been duly appointed.
Section 3: Committee Chairs shall report, when requested by the President, at meetings of the WSI Board and/or the Executive Board.
Section 4: All Committees will normally be responsible to the Vice President who will serve as liaison for each committee.
Section 5: Where appropriate, orientation sessions for Committee Chairs shall be conducted each year at the Annual General Meeting.
Section 6: The Standing Committees of WSI shall be (in alphabetical order): Education, Finance and Sponsorship, Membership and Communication, Nominating, and any other deemed necessary by the Board.
Section 7: The Task Forces of WSI are special expertise committees whose function is to act as consultative, educative, and/or research arms of WSI in regard to specific and important concerns.
Section 8: The President may appoint and dissolve ad hoc committees at her pleasure. Such committees will automatically be dissolved upon the President’s retirement from office.
Section 1: The funds of WSI shall be derived from membership fees as fixed by the Board, as well as from endowments, gifts, grants, bequests and other such sources as the Board sanctions.
Section 1: When possible an Annual General Meeting of WSI shall be held. The date and site shall be determined by the Executive Board, in consultation with the Advisory Board.
Section 2: The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include: receipt, consideration and approval of the annual report of the Board and of the annual financial statements, duly audited; election of office bearers, auditor or any other person whose office has fallen vacant in accordance with this Constitution or as required by these articles or by resolution; transaction of any other business of which notice in writing has been given in accordance with these articles.
Section 3: If further meetings of WSI are deemed necessary they shall be held at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Board, in consultation with the Advisory Board.
Section 4: At a meeting of WSI only those members present, whether or not by proxy, shall be entitled to vote and each member may exercise only one vote, except when, as provided for in By Law, Article 6, advance mail, email or online survey votes are permitted to absent members.
Section 5: The President shall occupy the Chair at the meetings of WSI and shall have both a deliberative and a casting vote. If the President is absent, the meeting shall be chaired by Vice President who shall have both a deliberative and a casting vote.
Section 6: Except as otherwise provided herein all resolutions at a meeting shall be passed by a simple majority of votes.
Section 7: Notice of motions submitted for consideration at a meeting of WSI shall be in writing and in the hands of the President not less than 2 calendar months prior to the date of the meeting and such notice shall be placed upon the agenda for the said meeting, provided that, upon leave being granted, a matter may be raised at a meeting without notice and (except notice intended to vary this Constitution), such matter be the subject of a motion. A copy of notices of all motions received by the President shall be mailed or emailed to each member with a copy of all agenda papers no fewer than 21 days prior to the date of the meeting concerned.
Section 8: The decisions by resolution or otherwise of WSI shall be final and binding upon all members of WSI.
Section 9: Members will be responsible for their own transport and accommodation costs in attending meetings of WSI.
Section 1: No amendment shall be made to this Constitution except at the Annual General Meeting of WSI and by a resolution initiated by four or more active or associate members of WSI and supported by a simple majority of WSI members.
Section 2: Notice in writing of any proposed amendment to this Constitution shall be delivered to the President at least four months prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Section 3: Proposed amendments must be specific. They must refer to the article and paragraph concerned, specifying words (if any), to be deleted and words (if any), to be added. In addition the article must be quoted in full as it would appear if amended.
Section 4: The Secretary shall maintain an up-to-date copy of the Constitution in the records of WSI and shall, within 30 days of receipt of the proposed amendment or amendments, distribute substitute pages where necessary to members when amendments are few, but shall submit a wholly reprinted Constitution within 30 days of the Annual General Meeting to the Board and to members on request.
Section 1. No rescission of any previous resolution shall be brought forward for further consideration except at a subsequent Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting and not unless at least 28 days notice of intention to move to that effect shall be given to all office bearers and members.
Section 1. The decision of the Chair at the meeting as to the interpretation of these Articles and as to any other matter not provided for herein shall be final unless a motion of dissent be proposed at the same meeting and carried by a majority of members present. Such motion of dissent shall not be discussed.
Section 1. The Board may make such By Laws as are necessary and convenient to give effect to this Constitution and particularly with respect to: the conduct of meetings, the duties of employees, consultants and others, the promotion of WSI, the creation of commissions and appointments of members therein, and any other matter.
Section 2. By Laws so made shall be valid unless disallowed or amended by the members at a meeting, other than a Board meeting, by a majority of those present and entitled to vote.
Section 3. The members at any meeting, other than a Board meeting, may, by a majority of those present and entitled to vote, direct the Board to make such By Laws as in the opinion of the meeting are appropriate.
Section 1. WSI shall have a Common Seal and shall provide for its safe custody. The Common Seal shall only be used by the authority of the Board and shall only be affixed to an instrument under the signatures of the President, Treasurer or, where relevant, a Secretary General. A register recording the use of the Common Seal should be tabled at each General Meeting
Section 1: WSI shall not be dissolved except at a meeting specially convened for the purpose and by a resolution carried by a majority of two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote.
Section 2. No proposal for dissolution shall be considered unless 4 weeks notice in writing is given each member of the Board.
Section 3. Upon the winding up and dissolution of the corporation, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed to an institution or institutions which have objectives similar or in part similar to the objectives of WSI and which shall have established its tax exempt status under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Such institutions shall be determined by the members of WSI at or before the time of dissolution or in default thereof by the Chief Judge of such courts as may have or acquire jurisdiction in the matter.