WomenSport International Inclusion Statement
WomenSport International (WSI) strives to continually lead with our values and beliefs that enable WSI volunteers, members and audiences to develop their potential, bring their full self to the community of sport and physical activity and engage in a world of inclusion.
WSI includes, values and trusts each other. This means being inclusive, giving the benefit of the doubt and being responsible for each other. Join us in embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion for every person.
Reasonable Accommodation Policy and Procedure for Persons with Disabilities
Reasonable accommodation for accessibility for persons with disabilities will be provided in accordance with the principles of dignity, individualization and inclusion. WSI will work cooperatively, and in a spirit of respect, with all members in the reasonable accommodation process.
- The purpose of the Reasonable Accommodation Policy and Procedures
The purpose of this Reasonable Accommodation Policy and Procedures for Persons with Disabilities is to:
- Ensure that all members of the organization are aware of their rights and responsibilities with respect to reasonable accommodation.
- Set out in writing WSI’s procedures for reasonable accommodation and the responsibilities of each of the parties to the accommodation process.
The policy and procedures apply to all WSI Board, Committee and Task Force members.
It applies at all stages and to all aspects of a relationship with WSI.
All new and existing volunteers will be provided with a copy of this reasonable accommodation policy and procedures.
- The Aim of Reasonable Accommodation:
The aim of reasonable accommodation is to remove barriers and ensure equality. Accommodations will be developed on an individualized basis. Appropriate reasonable accommodations may include:
- Technical aids
- Sign Language Interpreters
- Providing materials in alternative formats
This list is not exhaustive.
- Reasonable Accommodation Requests
Reasonable accommodation requests will whenever possible, be made in writing. The accommodation request should indicate:
- Type of disability,
- Type of accommodation requested,
- The reason the accommodation is required.
All reasonable accommodation requests will be taken seriously and dealt with promptly. No person will be penalized for making a reasonable accommodation request.
The WSI Executive Board and the person requesting reasonable accommodation will work together to develop reasonable accommodation for the individual.
- The Reasonable Accommodation Procedure
When the reasonable accommodation is agreed upon, it will be put in writing, and signed by the individual requesting accommodation and a representative of the WSI Executive Board.
- Confidentiality
A reasonable accommodation will be appropriate when it results in equal opportunity to attain the same level of performance or to enjoy the same level of benefits and privileges experienced by others, and where it respects the principles of dignity, inclusion, and individualization.
WSI will maintain the confidentiality of information related to a reasonable accommodation request and will only disclose this information with the consent of the requester.
- Monitoring the Policy
The WSI Executive Board and the person receiving accommodation will monitor the success of the reasonable accommodation, and promptly address any deficiencies or any relevant changes needed.
- Undue Hardship
Reasonable accommodation will be provided unless there is an undue hardship for WSI. In assessing undue hardship, only three factors will be considered: cost, health, and safety.
The assessment will be conducted by the Executive Board in the case of undue hardship. It will be thoroughly documented, and the accommodation requester provided with clear reasons for the decision.