WSI members continue making impacts in the world of women in sport. Board members, Dr. Chroni and Dr. Kerr, are presenting at the 2020 SAWASF Conference.

2020 SAWASF Conference

August 2020

WSI Past President Dr. Ani Chroni and WSI Advisory Board member Dr. Gretchen Kerr are presenting at the South African Women and Sport Foundation (SAWASF) 2020 Conference on August 27, 2020. The theme of the session is “The Pandemic of Gender-based Violence and Sexual Harassment: It must be stopped now.” Click here to register for the conference Day 1.


Creating a Future that Matters for Women and Sport

Malala Yousafzai stated that “in the future, women rather than men, will be the ones to change the world.”  The South African Women and Sport Foundation (SAWASF) believe this to be true.  For this reason, the 2020 SAWASF National Advocacy Conference is entitled “Creating a future that matters for women and Sport.”  SAWASF wants women to look at themselves and their circumstances and state vociferously that it is “Our Future on Our Own Terms.”

The Pandemic of Gender-based Violence and Sexual Harassment: It must be stopped now.

The fact is that gender-based violence and sexual harassment continue relentlessly as if we still live more than 100 years ago.  Reporting of GBV and sexual harassment is harder due to political lack of will, systematic, cultural/social, and other impediments and practices.  The scourge of GBV and sexual harassment has social, economic, health, emotional, and other implications for women and girls.  The increase in violence against women must be dealt with urgently and be prioritised politically, economically, and socially through stimulus packages that can deal with the gravity and scale of the challenge facing women and their needs. The first speaker will address the political, economic, cultural, and social impact of GBV and sexual harassment. Then, Dr. Ani Chroni will address the emotional implications of GBV and sexual harassment, with specific reference to the effect and avoidance of abuse, coping mechanisms, and the recovery process. Following Dr. Chroni, Dr. Gretchen Kerr will address the role of sport organizations in preventing and addressing GBV and sexual harassment.

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