Read the UN published report. (.pdf)
For several years, Dr. Carole Oglesby (former President of WSI) and a group of dedicated researchers have been working within the framework of the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) on a major publication on Women and Sport and sports effectiveness in promoting equality and social development. The publication “Women, gender equality and sport” was launched on February 28, 2008 at the Commission on the Status of Women Meeting at the UN in New York City. This monograph is the latest in the WOMENWATCH 2000 and Beyond series.
Numerous WSI members, along with other experts from the International Working Group, the United Nations, and other agencies have contributed to the success of this project.
WSI extends its thanks and congratulations to WSI executive members Carole Oglesby, Johanna Adriaanse, and President Kari Fasting for their dedication in bringing this publication to completion. Former Executive Board member Elizabeth Darlison was also very influential in the early years of the Strategic Bridges project. It has been a WSI initiative for several years and we are pleased to see its publication.
Johanna Adriaanse, Carolyn Hannan, and Carole Oglesby at the
Commission on the Status of Women Meeting, February 28, 2008
Speakers at the Meeting, February 28, 2008
We have reached an agreement through personal meetings and email exchanges in regard to a planned UN-DAW publication provisionally titled Women 2000: Physical activity, sport, exercise and the achievement of girl’s and women’s development goals. The manuscript is to be prepared with the facilitation of Dr. Carole Oglesby, utilizing an international team of experts. No specific individuals will be credited with manuscript preparation although NGOs of researcher-contributors MAY be listed in a small box on the final page of the publication.
The submitted manuscript will be 20-25 pages, typed and double-spaced in accordance with APA formatting. The manuscript will marshall, summarize and interpret relevant data from the world over, demonstrating and clarifying the roles of physical recreation, sport, and exercise in meeting developmental goals prominent in UN treaty language (Beijing Platform for Action, Beijing+5 Outcome Document and CEDAW) and on-going initiatives and efforts. The plan of action to be followed in manuscript preparation is as follows:
There will be two levels of expert sources for the manuscript: 1) Author/researcher Advisory Board (AAB); and 2) Organizational Advisory Board(OAB). The function of the AAB members is to submit a one page précis which capsule results/interpretations of work in sport/exercise science with respect to women and the elements of concerns of girls and women reflected in the Beijing PFA, CEDAW Treaty, and other relevant UN-DAW documents on women’s concerns. Dr. Oglesby, and selected co-workers, will organize the submitted material into a draft manuscript which links global data and developments with the relevant concerns of the UN-DAW on-going priorities of effort. The OAB will review the manuscript and suggest revisions, deletions, additions from the vantage point of inclusion of global regions, racial/ethnic/language considerations and/or content appropriateness and completeness.
Recognized researchers (through WSI, IAPESGW, ICSSPE and IWG) will be invited to submit information for inclusion as AAB member as well as through this web-based “Call for submission” on WSI, IWG IAPESGW and ICSSPE sites. The OAB will be composed of the IWG Co-Chairs, Regional representatives, and women’s organizations representatives (Fasting and Talbot).
The timeline for the project described herein is as follows:
- Invitations to submit distributed, June 1, 2003
- Receive submissions, Aug. 1, 2003
- Draft manuscript prepared, Oct. 1, 2003
- Feedback from OAB on manuscript Dec 15, 2003
- Manuscript to UN-DAW, Feb. 1, 2004
If you have a research and/or practitioner contribution, which clarifies or explains how involvement in exercise, sport, physical recreation actualizes the platform of the Beijing Women’s Conference, follow-up or CEDAW, send it to me by Aug. 1, 2003. This is a great opportunity and we want to make the most of it.
Carole Oglesby