Historical Archives

Note: While we finish the transfer of files from our old site, some links may not work.  This should be resolved in the next 2 weeks. Thank you.


Nov 2014 Election Results:
November 15, 2014 – The 2014 election for WSI officers and Advisory Board members was uncontested across all positions. A formal election, as originally outlined on the website was therefore not conducted. Full list of Officers and Advisory Board…
August 21, 2014 – It is time for the 2014 WSI elections and the procedures are in place for the nomination process:

ADVISORY BOARD (5 positions)

Nominations for these positions are welcome. For additional information on the process and October 15th deadline….


July 2013 IOC statement on myths surrounding women’s participation in sport.
In April 2011, the IOC Medical Commission approved a critical statement concerning sport participation and ‘potential damage to female reproduction’. At the time, the ‘myth’ of danger to women was being circulated in attempts to justify the exclusion of women from Olympic skijumping. A recent story by a Polish Canoeist is prompting us to once again help educate misinformed sport officials around the world and help empower female athletes with accurate information.The following statement was approved by the IOC Medical Commission, April 2011:
No female athlete should be denied the opportunity to participate in any Olympic sport on the basis that she might sustain an injury to her reproductive organs. A survey of injury data has failed to find any evidence of an increased risk for acute or chronic damage to the female reproductive organs occurring as a direct result from participation in sport. We said it then, and repeat it now: this is NOT a medical issue. This is a harassment issue, with the intention of discouraging and even intimidating female canoeists from participating in the sport they love. WomenCAN International reports that this is a century-old myth, and this is the first time an athlete has spoken publicly. We will do whatever we can to put a silver dagger through the heart of this destructive myth.
June 2013 CNVLD Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Program June 2013 Progress Report
Download the progress report on the program in Cambodia that WSI has been involved with since 2007. (.pdf, 2.4 MB)
Progress Report Part 2 for June (.pdf, 2.7MB)
May 2013 CNVLD Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Program Progress Report – May 2013
Download the progress report on the program in Cambodia that WSI has been involved with since 2007. (.pdf 1 MB)
May 16, 2013 WSI Task Force Co-chair travels to China as part of US State Department Sports Envoy Program
Dr. Becky Clark, co-chair of the WSI Deaf/Hard of Hearing Girls and Women in Sport Task Force, is in Guangzhou, China to promote inclusion and equality for persons with disabilities, especially young women and girls. This event marks the first time the U.S. Department of State will send persons with disabilities as Sport Envoys. More…
April 29, 2013 Fostering a Global Voice for Women and Sport – AAPHERD National Convention
Speakers: Carole Oglesby, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA; Christine Shelton, Smith College, Northampton, MA; and Donna Marie Duffy, UNC Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
The 2012 Olympic Games witnessed many firsts, including female representation from every country. Of particular interest, the United States had more female athletes participate than males for the first time. Even with this notable progress, many international women are banned from or have limited opportunities to sport. This session will highlight the progress, identify mechanisms of progress, and organizations that can suggest ways for positive change. Full details on the AAPHERD website…
April 15, 2013 USA Deaf Basketball Endorses Brighton Declaration on Women and Sports
“USADB has a rich history of providing equal opportunities for deaf girls and women in their programs including women serving in leadership positions. By endorsing the Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport, USADB reaffirms its commitment to gender equality and leads the way for full involvement for girls and women at all levels of its organization.” said Dr. Becky Clark, co­chair of the WomenSport International Task Force on Deaf/HOH Girls and Women in Sport and USADSF executive board member­at­large. Download the Press Release (.pdf)
April 2, 2013 2013 JSSGS 12th Congress
The 12th Congress will be held on 13th, 14th of July 2013 at Kyoto University of Education , Kyoto. The main theme of this congress is “Body and Empowerment”Download the information pdf. The program also includes presentations of papers on sport and gender studies.
Website: www.jssgs.org
March 25, 2013 USA Deaf Basketball to Endorse Brighton Declaration on Women and Sports
USA Deaf Basketball (USADB) is pleased to announce that we will endorse the Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport, an international document that seeks equality for women in all levels of sport. More…
March 2013 WSI to Present and Participate on Panel at NGO CSW FORUM
WSI will participate at the Forum in New York City. Download the NGO CSW Forum Handbook by visiting the NGO Committee on the Status of Women website http://www.ngocsw.org/ngo-csw-forum/ngo-csw-forum-handbook-ads
January 31, 2013 USA Deaf Sports Federation Signs Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport
In a historic event, the USA Deaf Sports Federation has become the first national deaf sports organization in the world to endorse the Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport, an international document that affirms women’s right to equality in sport. More…
January 28, 2013 Standup Cambodia Photo Essay
In 2007, WSI sponsored the first CNVLD All-Women Racing Wheelchair Team with six Angkor II Racing Wheelchairs. Since that time, we have been highlighting the progressive work by StandupCambodia with their work in racing, basketball and volleyball for Cambodian Persons with a Disability. See a photo essay on their Women’s Wheelchair Basketball team.


Nov 27, 2012 Nada Knorre Elected Women and Sport Committee Chair of Czech Olympic Committee

At the 2012 Czech Olympic Committee election, Nada Knorre (WSI advisory board member) was elected as Chair of the Women and Sport Committee. More…
Nov 20, 2012 Survey on policy for LGBT sport participants
Below you will find the hotlink to a brief survey I have developed to begin to know the state of affairs globally with regard to direct international, national or regional policy for LGBT sport participants. The survey has instructions, and confidentiality assurances, within. If you can make public the opportunity to respond to the survey, I will be most appreciative. Carole Oglesby
Nov 14, 2012 Tanzania: Women Attend Course in Sports Leadership
– At least 20 women are attending a five-day International Inspiration Leadership Course in sports, which opened at the British Council in Dar es Salaam on Monday. The programme is part of a wider intervention to improve quality and access to sports in Tanzania, and supports women in positions of influence to develop their leadership skills and give them the tools they need to be leaders in developing sports in their organizations, communities, districts and regions. More…
Sept 15, 2012 IAPESGW 17th World Congress 2013
The International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW), and its partner the national Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (INDER), welcome you to the 17th quadrennial Congress to be held in the Havana Convention Centre, Cuba, April 10th – 13th 2013. Abstracts are due November 1, 2012. For details, visit  http://iapesgw2013.inder.cu/index.php/en/scientific-s-works-presentations.Download English poster: 17th World Congress
Download Spanish poster: 17mo.Congreso Mundial
July 28, 2012 CNVLD Battambang Women’s Wheelchair Basketball
Australian Disability Sports expert Gary Connor now coaching Cambodia’s first Womens wheelchair basketball Team in Battambang Cambodia. More…
July 16, 2012 WSI members attending ICSEMIS conference in Glasgow, Scotland, July 19-24, 2012
Among the panel presenters at the International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport are: Kari Fasting, (Norway); Celia Brackenridge, (UK); Carole Oglesby (USA); Gertrude Pfister (Den); Barb Drinkwater (USA); Vicki Krane (USA); Ani Chroni (Gre). More…
Visit the Conference website: http://www.icsemis2012.com/
July 10, 2012 CNVLD Battambang Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Training now underway
16 Battambang women are now in disciplined weekly training (4 days per week) in their new basketball wheelchairs provide by DSR in anticipation of the arrival on 27th July of Australian Wheelchair Basketball Coach Gary Conner. The athletes are training at the Battambang MOSVY Physical Rehabilitation Center from Friday to Monday with two training sessions held per day. More…
May 7, 2012 CNVLD Women’s Basketball Team features in DSR News
Cyclepower Cambodia – a joint initiative between Australian NGO Disability Sport & Recreation (DSR) and Cambodian charity partner Stand Up Cambodia (CNVLD) will see a group of 20 cyclists ride across Cambodia in June 2012 to raise awareness of and funds for disability sport and recreation.
Read the whole story at: http://www.dsr.org.au/news1.aspx?ArticleID=414
April 3, 2012 2012 JSSGS 11th Congress
The 11th Congress will be held on 7th, 8th of July 2012 at the Gakushuin Women’s College, Tokyo. The main theme of this congress is “Gender and Sport in Development”.
The program includes:
1) Lecture : “Development and Health
by Hiroko Hara (Josai International University) and
2) Symposium: “Gender and Sport in Development
by Keiko Arai (Gakushuin University), Taku Yamaguchi (NPO Hearts of Gold), and Kiyomi Kaida (former JICA Specialist).
The program also includes presentations of papers on sport and gender studies. Download schedule (.pdf)
Website: www.jssgs.org
March 8, 2012 CAAWS Releases New Canadian Sport for Life Resource on International Women’s Day 
OTTAWA– In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) announces the publication of Actively Engaging Women and Girls: Addressing the Psycho-Social Factors, a new resource designed to increase opportunities for women and girls as both participants and leaders in the Canadian sport and physical activity system. The publication is a supplement to the Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L) foundation document, and complements other Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) resources. A valuable resource for everyone involved in sport and physical activity, it will support and guide those working with women and girls so they engage in, and maintain, healthy and active lifestyles. More…
March 2012 Pink and fashion and Soccer – a special mix
On 10th December 2011, Vijana Amani Pamoja, hosted the 1st Miss Mrembo, meaning (beauty) girls’ soccer tournament – one with a different approach.
An exciting day of soccer, hairdressing, awareness of gender based violence (GBV) and fashion show. The tournament was organized under the theme of “Kujiamini” a Swahili word meaning self confidence.
A total of 150 girls drawn from 12 teams consisting of girls ages 10-18 years from all the walks of Eastlands part of Nairobi, to participate in this unique 7-a-side street football tournament whose aim was:

  • Explore the importance of self esteem among teenage girls
  • Encourage women to participate in sports.
  • Emphasize on good grooming among girls /girls soccer players.
  • Identify Miss Mrembo player of the year 2011
  • Enable young women to make informed choices in their lives
  • Create awareness on Sexual Assault among young girls

Read the full report. (.pdf)

Feb 2012 CNVLD Cambodian Women of Courage: a CNVLD series
The CNVLD is pleased to commence a new series: “CNVLD Cambodian Women of Courage” which will profile all the members of the recently established CNVLD Cambodian Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Program. More on Ms Sieng Sorchan and Ms Khuon Sochunthea…


Nov 2011 Call for Abstracts for the 11th International Symposium for Olympic Research, to be hosted at the Ivey-Spencer Leadership Centre at The University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada, on October 19 & 20, 2012.
Abstract Deadline, January 6, 2012
Scholars, researchers, students, and professionals interested in the socio-cultural study of the modern Olympic or Paralympic Games are invited to submit abstracts for conference presentation. Papers in the area of history, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, political science, and sport management, as well as other disciplines that contribute to our cultural understanding of the Games are particularly encouraged. The 11th Symposium includes a Graduate Student Essay Competition.
Details for submission of abstracts can be downloaded here. (.pdf)
Nov 2011 Women in Coaching blog
http://www.womenincoaching.org/.This blog is geared towards women in the coaching profession and is an effort to increase the number of women in coaching and help define strategies to retain women in coaching positions once they are in place.
Sign up for the RSS Feeds:
Nov 2011 Girls in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Job opportunities in the ICT sector continue to grow, and many countries and regions are predicting a shortage of qualified staff with math, science, engineering and computing skills to meet the growing demand. At the same time, many companies are looking to increase the numbers of women in the sector. This means that highly qualified women in technical fields have significant opportunities available to them. Unfortunately teenage girls and young women often never even consider a career in ICTs….
As UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said, “Equality for women and girls is not only a basic human right it is a social and economic imperative .  Where women are educated and empowered, economies are more productive and strong. Where women are fully represented, societies are more peaceful and stable.” More… at http://world2011.itu.int/daily4#7
Nov 2011 Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, and Engineering Project launched Gendered innovations employ sex and gender analysis as a resource to create new knowledge and technology. The Gendered Innovations project:

  1. Develops practical methods of sex and gender analysis for science, health & medicine, and engineering.
  2. Provides case studies as concrete illustrations of how sex and gender analysis leads to innovation.

Three years in the making, the project was funded by Stanford University and the European Commission. It draws upon experts from across both the EU and the US. http://genderedinnovations.stanford.edu/

Sept 2011 The Transgender Athlete
Members of WSI and the American College of Sports Medicine met in June 2011 to collaborate on a statement on The Transgender Athlete. Several related issues were discussed and a set of recommendations were produced.  Read the Report. (.pdf) (Sept 2011)
August 2011 Election Results:
August 26, 2011 – The 2011 election for WSI officers and Advisory Board members was uncontested across all positions. A formal election, as originally outlined on the website was therefore not conducted. More…The Officers of WSI are:
President: Carol Rodgers – Canada
Vice President: Carole Oglesby – USA
Secretary: Stilani Chroni – Greece
Treasurer: Chris Shelton – USA
Past President: Kari Fasting – Norway
July 2011 In Praise of Female Athletes Who Were Told No
For the 14 female ski jumpers petitioning to be included in the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver – August 2011
– This was submitted as an example of support for the women’s ski jumpers had prior to last year’s 2010 Olympic Winter Games. A poem written by the Vancouver Poet Laureate Brad Cran.
It starts:
” Despite the glory of color it’s easy to be the butterfly; It’s hard to be the dog or to remain like the river stone. For Christ sake little lady, sit down you’ve been told.
Because he thought that a woman short of breath was an affront to good manners, Baron Pierre de Courbertin founded the modern Olympics with only the strength of men in mind. The heft and depth of sport surely could not be good for the reproductive organs of a lady…”
It is time for the 2011 WSI elections and the procedures are in place for the nomination process:OFFICES OPEN FOR NOMINATION:

  • ADVISORY BOARD (minimum 3 positions)

Nominations for these positions are welcome by August 1, 2011.
Please see nomination process details, click here.

June 2011 Li Na, first woman from Asia to win a Tennis Grand Slam
Li Na made sporting history at the French Open on Saturday 4 June 2011 when she became the first player from China and from Asia to win a Grand Slam singles title. The Chinese player said she hopes that by winning a Grand Slam title she will act as a catalyst for the growth of tennis in her homeland.
Listen to her interview on ABC Radio Australia: Connect Asia with comments by Johanna Adriaanse, WSI executive, about the importance of her victory for women’s sport in China and Asia .
June 2011 2011 JSSGS 10th Anniversary Congress Japan Society for Sport and Gender Studies
The 10th Anniversary Congress will be held on July 2-3, 2011 at Chukyo University, Nagoya-campus, Nagoya, Japan.
The main theme of this congress is Sport and Gender Studies’ Today’s Situation and the Future.
The program includes:

  1. Keynote Report: “Summary of Japan Society for Sport and Gender Studies’ 10 years and the Challenge”,
  2. Keynote Address: “The international situation and trends on women and sport and measures from the viewpoint of the IOC” (Dr.Gudrun Doll-Tepper),
  3. Symposium: “Frontier of Gender Research: Gender Binary in Sport”,
  4. Round Table: “Connecting Sport and Gender Research and Practice”

The program also includes poster presentations on sport and gender studies.
Download pdf

May 2011 Southern African Women and Sport Consultative meeting – April 28-29, 2011
The Southern African Women and Sport Consultative meeting has decided upon Guiding Principles for Sport Sector Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls in Sport.
The Southern African Women and Sport Consultative Meeting was held on 28th – 29 th april 2011 at the intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia under the theme “Violence Against Women in Sport: Stepping Up to  the Challenge”. More…
May 2011 OCA Sports Administration Course for Women, Hyderabad, Pakistan May 23-29, 2011
The Sindh Olympic Association, under the patronage of the Pakistan Olympic Association and in collaboration with the Pakistan Association for Women Sport, has organized the OCA Sports Administration Course for Women.The position statement of the Pakistan Association for Women Sport on Girls and Women in Physical Education and Sports in Pakistan can be downloaded as a pdf. (118 KB)
May 2011 Just when you think you have heard everything……
In 2008 Gian-Franco Kasper, head of the International Ski Federation said, “Ski jumping is just too dangerous for women. Don’t forget, [the landing] it’s like jumping down from, let’s say, about two meters to the ground about a thousand times a year, which seems not to be appropriate for ladies from a medical point of view” A few years earlier, he told reporters that a woman’s uterus might burst during landing.The following statement was approved by the IOC Medical Commission, April 2011:
No female athlete should be denied the opportunity to participate in any Olympic sport on the basis that she might sustain an injury to her reproductive organs. A survey of injury data has failed to find any evidence of an increased risk for acute or chronic damage to the female reproductive organs occurring as a direct result from participation in sport.
June 2011 update Badminton World Federation
Update — June 2011 – Badminton’s world governing body has decided to scrap a controversial rule that would have forced female players to wear skirts in competition.
According to WSF, “It is still our intention to focus on a better presentation of the game, but we will like to broaden the scope to include both men and women, and the feedback will also include views from various stakeholders such as the clothing manufacturers.”May 4, 2011 – Just when you think there are no surprises left,
the Badminton World Federation comes to the rescue! The year is 2011 and the BWF apparently believes it is acceptable to mandate that women playing in BWF international tournaments wear skirts “…to ensure attractive presentation of badminton.” Not for greater mobility, not for safety, but to appeal to a wider audience and sponsors.
What a blatant display of lack of appreciation for women as athletes. This is less surprising when you realize that none of the ten member BWF Executive Board are women. The BWF is in for a rude awakening if they think that women will meekly accept being used as sex objects to “boost the sport’s profile among viewers”. The players may not be in a position to complain, but WSI and other women’s organizations certainly should.
The sport belongs to the athletes, not the sponsors, not the public, not all-male governing bodies. Women who want to wear skirts should wear skirts. Women who want to wear shorts should wear shorts. All are athletes and should be appreciated for their skill, not their wardrobe.
The WSI Board is currently exploring strategic action options. If you want to be included in action steps to let the Badminton World Federation know that women are expecting to be taken seriously as athletes and autonomous individuals, please contact us to join the consensus being developed on this matter.”
April 7, 2011 Women’s ski jumping event added to 2014 Sochi Games
April 6, 2011 – For the first time in Olympic Winter Games history, women will participate in ski jumping, beginning in Sochi, Russia in 2014. “We are elated and relieved,” said Deedee Corradini, Women’s Ski Jumping USA president. “Sochi, Russia can proudly proclaim that it will be  hosting the first gender-equal Winter Games in Olympic history.”
Ski jumping (and Nordic Combined) were the only disciplines in the Winter Games that did not allow women to participate. More…
March 3. 2011 Canada’s Women and Leadership NETWORK
The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) is launching the Women and Leadership NETWORK on March 8, 2011— International Women’s Day. The Network is for women leaders in sport and physical activity across Canada and the world – administrators, volunteers, coaches, officials…all women are invited to join. The Network has been designed as the go-to place where members can connect, build their skills, share ideas, discuss issues, find solutions and take action. More…
February 2011 WSI at the UN Committee for the status of women 55 session in New York 
WSI’s Kari Fasting and Carole Oglesby will be panel speakers at a UN Committee session on February 22 from 10:00 -11:30am, 10th floor CCUN, New York. The session is open, with free admission, to listen to the panel. For more information, download the poster. (PDF, 183KB)
February 2011 Millennia2015 Action Plan for Women’s Empowerment WomenSport
International has recently become aware of an opportunity to participate electronically, and in person, in a global exchange focused on women’s development, empowerment and health. The Division for Gender Equity, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Destree Institute have formed an on-line process of gathering viewpoints from women globally as a method of foresight utilization for the implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Three conference-style events form consensus-building landmarks for the MDG accomplishment; Liege 2008, Paris late 2011, New York 2015. Interspersed are several electronic fora serving to gather grassroots and national viewpoints and strategic suggestions.
For further information, go to the link for this process www.millennia2015.org
Information for registration for the women’s eHealth discussion and other initiatives are found on the webpage. There is no cost to any of the electronic participation.
January 2011 Arne Ljungqvist, Advocate for Women’s Rights
WomenSport International (WSI) would like to acknowledge the many contributions that Arne Ljungqvist, MD and Chair of the IOC Medical Commission has made to women’s sport. Members of WSI know firsthand that Arne has been a strong advocate for women’s right to participate fully in international competition and to have a voice in IOC decisions pertaining to that participation.


Dec 2, 2010 WSI at ‘European / Middle East Network’ meeting, Alexandria University, Egypt, October 11th – 15th 2010
Between Oct 11th – 15th 2010 Alexandria University hosted an international symposium with representatives from IAPESGW, ICSSPE, WSI and SAAW. The purpose was to develop the ‘European and Middle East network’ to improve global reach through international networks on gender and sport related knowledge exchange across Europe and the Middle East. Delegates came from Egypt, Oman, Lebanon, UK, Germany, Denmark, Norway (Iran / Turkey).
Delegates shared aims and knowledge of international networks and discussed potential for further collaboration for the benefit of global reach. A presentation of delegates’ work and research was made to University of Alexandria’s Faculty and students. Further research and development links were discussed.
Download the Final Statement .pdf.
Oct 26, 2010 2010 – Draft Minutes of the WSI Advisory Board Meeting held May 21, 2010, in Sydney, Australia.

Click here (.pdf, 327 KB)

Sept 15, 2010 Sport and the 21st Century Challenges
The Faculty of Sport Education – Abu Qir , Alexandria  University invites all members of the sport community, both academics and athletes, to attend the 11th International Scientific Conference for Physical Education and Sport Science – Sport and the 21st Century Challenges from October, 13 – 15, 2010. More…
Sept 9, 2010 WSI at ACSM Conference, June 2010, Balitmore, USA
Consensus Statement from WSI Conference Addressing the Issue of Disorders of Sexual Differentiation (DSD)
The conference was held in June in conjunction with the Annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. A committee appointed by Arne Ljungqvist, MD, Chair of the International Olympic Committee Medical Commission has focused on what action current science would recommend if an athlete were diagnosed with a disorder of sexual differentiation (DSD). Their concern was with the elite athlete and whether some disorders might provide a woman with an unfair advantage in competition. The definition of “unfair” remains to be determined.
While gender tests for female athletes are no longer a requirement for participation in women’s events, testing for performance enhancing drugs and methods remains part of the effort to promote fair play in Olympic competition. Unfortunately, the biochemical effect of some medical conditions may result in testosterone levels well beyond the normal range for women. If so, these women run the risk of being unfairly identified as potential users of a performance enhancing drug. Early identification of these  conditions would benefit the athletes by allowing corrective action of the medical problem at a younger age, sparing them the trauma of being investigated for illegal use of drugs and being denied participation in Olympic events.WomenSport International in cooperation with the American College of Sports Medicine recently convened a Consensus Conference
to discuss this issue. The results of our deliberations are available here.
July 30, 2010 ICSSPE Seminar – November 2010
An international seminar “Communities and Crisis – Inclusive Community Building Through Sport” will take place 7- 13 November 2010 in Rheinsberg, Germany hosted by the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE/CIEPSS) and Kennesaw University, USA. Click here (.pdf) for further information.
June 2010 Beyond Sport
Carole Oglesby, WSI Past President, has been invited to join the Advisory Board of Beyond Sport, a global organization that promotes, develops and funds the use of sport to create positive social change across the world. Beyond Sport will be holding its annual Summit September 29-30 in Chicago. One of the key themes of this years summit will be sport’s role in women’s and girls’ education. Visit their web site, www.beyondsport.org to learn more about this organization and possible funding opportunities for your programs.
2010 JSSGS 9th Congress
Japan Society for Sport and Gender Studies
The Ninth Congress will be held on July 3-4, 2010 at the Kobe Shoin Women’s University, Kobe, Japan. The main theme of this congress is Sport, Sexual Violence, and Gender. For more information click here, or visit their website at http://www.jssgs.org/?cat=16
March 2010 WSI at the UN in NY
-WomenSport International together with the International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) and the Womens Sports Foundation (USA), presented a workshop at a parallel event during the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) on 1 March 2010 in New York. The title of the workshop was “CEDAW as a tool to promote gender equality in physical activity and sport”.
February 25, 2010 PACE-FITNESS-STUDY
a scientific project of the German Sport University Cologne
The Department of Physiology and Anatomy of the German Sport University Cologne is carrying out a long-term epidemiologic
project: the PACE-Study (Performance, Age, Competition, Exercise). Its aim is the documentation of complex interactions between training, age, motivation to engage in physical activity, lifestyle factors and physical performance.Athletes from all age segments, sports and from all levels of performance are invited to participate in our online survey (www.dshs-koeln.de/pace).More info…Take the Survey – Click here.
February 2010 More Support for Women Ski Jumpers!
February 19, 2010, by David Ebner. Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada/ CTV News
Governor-General joins fight for women ski jumpers
Women ski jumpers – barred from the Vancouver Winter Games – have a surprise ally as they try to lift off at the 2014 Olympics in Russia: (Canadian) Governor-General Michaëlle Jean. Ms. Jean quietly lobbied International Olympic Committee chief Jacques Rogge as she sat beside him at the opening ceremonies a week ago. She relayed what she heard to 18-year-old Canadian jumper Atsuko Tanaka at a reception at Canada House in Whistler Tuesday night.
“She just said that she had a chat with Jacques Rogge and how he said he was confident about 2014 ski jumping and women being part of it,” Ms. Tanaka said in an interview. “It’s good news but it’s even better that it’s coming from the Governor-General.” More…
February 14, 2010 Women’s Ski Jumping
On February 13th ski jumping competition in the 2010 Winter Olympics took place at the Whistler Olympic Park, but Lindsey Van, who set the record on the normal hill for both men and women in 2008 was not there. Neither were other elite women jumpers in spite of the fact that the International Ski Federation (FIS) recommended in a 114-1 vote in 2006 that the women’s event be added to the 2010 Winter Olympics. According to Jacques Rogge, IOC President, the reason for excluding women was based on technical reasons, not gender discrimination. Rogge points to the IOC requirement that there must be competition in a winter sport in 25 countries on three continents to be considered for the Olympics and then raised the ire of women by unwisely using the phrase “dilution of medals” if women jumpers were added to the Vancouver program. Women point to snowboard cross and ski cross, recent additions to the  Olympics, that didn’t meet that criteria. Women in those sports and others in the Summer Olympics benefited from the efforts of Juan Antonio Samaranch, IOC President 1980-2001, to eliminate gender discrimination in the Olympics. Since 1998, any new sport added to the Olympics must include women’s events. A reasonable person might assume that would be followed by opening the doors to women in all Olympic sports. The opportunity was there – but missed. To many observers the decision, clothed in facts and figures, is really gender discrimination. The statement from FIS President, Gian Franco Kasper that, “Ski jumping is just too dangerous for women…… seems not to be appropriate for ladies from a medical point of view.” is all too familiar and undercuts the assertion that gender was not a factor in the decision. The IOC has made exceptions to the rules in the past, notably the women’s marathon in 1984 and would have been applauded for doing so again. The women have lost an opportunity to demonstrate their skill and courage on the world stage. What has the IOC gained? From acsm.stats.orgIn response to the efforts of the women jumpers to overturn the IOC’s decision not to include them in the 2010 Winter Olympics, Dick Pound, IOC member and head of the World Anti-Doping Agency, issued this not so veiled threat: “If in the meantime you’re making all kinds of allegations about the IOC and how it’s discriminating on the basis of gender,” he warned, “the IOC may say, ‘Oh yeah, I remember them. They’re the ones that embarrassed us and caused us a lot of trouble of trouble in Vancouver, maybe they should wait another four years or eight years.'”


 2009 Gertrud Pfister received the Inaugural European Women and Sports Award (EWS-Award) for research, leadership and exceptional achievements for women in sport.
The award ceremony occurred at the 8th European Women and Sport Conference which were held October 9th and 10th 2009 in Limassol / Cyprus.
 2009 IOC moves to address gender imbalance in Track Cycling for 2012 Olympics
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has approved changes to the track cycling program for the 2012 Olympics to resolve the gender imbalance of the current program. More…
 2009 IOC plans meeting on gender
In response to the controversy surrounding the issue of Caster Semenya’s gender identity, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is convening a conference this coming January to institute guidelines for dealing with the biological variations of gender identity. The  results of that conference and recommendations for handling individual cases will be available on this site as soon as they are made public. See more IOC news…
Sept 2009 Commentary:
Muditambi Ravele, acting president of the South-African Women and Sports Federation
September 2009 – Caster Semenya should be basking in the glory of her 800 meters world gold medal in Berlin. Instead, 2009 looks set to be an annus horribilis year for the talented South African athlete. More…
Followup: October 2009
Johanna Adriaanse, Chair, International Working Group (IWG) “Brutal trial by media and insensitive management by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) is my view of how S-African athlete Caster Semenya has been treated in recent weeks.More… | Protecting the athlete
 2009 Asia Pacific NGO Forum on Beijing +15
The forum takes place October 22-24, 2009 at Miriam College in Quezon City, Philippines.
For details and registration form, visit their web site.
 2009 2009 JSSGS 8th Congress
The Eighth Congress will be held 4 and 5 in July 2009 at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo.
The first theme of this congress is Sport and Gender in East Asia -the Issues and the Perspectives-. The program includes: 1) Lecture: “Policy for Women and its Issues in East Asia in recent years.” 2) Reports: “The Present Situation concerning Gender Mainstreaming in Sports in East Asia” -The Present Situation in China and South Korea-.
The second theme is Physical Education and Sport and Gender in the University Education. The program includes Symposium and Group Discussion. Whole program includes presentations of papers on sport and gender studies. Website: www.jssgs.org
JOIN– and become a member of one of the only RESEARCH-based Advocacy groups for Women – Sport and Physical Activity.  We now offer a four year and a life-time membership option at a reduced rate. Credit card payment options are also now available. Click here – to download a copy of the latest brochure and membership application/renewal form.
March 2009 WSI at the United Nations
WomenSport International, in collaboration with the UN Division for the Advancement of Women (UNDAW) and the international
Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) hosted a parallel session during the 53rd Session of the Commission on the Status of
Women on Monday 2 March 2009 at the UN headquarters in New York. The purpose of the session was to report on the implementation
of the recommendations of the UNDAW report “Women, Gender Equality and Sport”, which was launched last year at CSW.The session titled – Empowering women through physical activity and sport – featured a diverse group of expert speakers from all regions of the world including the following WSI Executive and Advisory Board members:

  • Prof. Dr. Kari Fasting (Norway)
  • Dr. Carole Oglesby (USA)
  • Ms. Laura Gajardo (Chile)

The session was moderated by Johanna Adriaanse (Australia).
For a summary of the presentations, click here.


 2009 The myth that never dies……
In 2006 Gian-Franco Kasper, head of the International Ski Federation, was ridiculed for saying , “Ski jumping is just too dangerous for women. Don’t forget, [the landing] it’s like jumping down from, let’s say, about two meters to the ground about a thousand times a year, which seems not to be appropriate for ladies from a medical point of view.”A few years earlier, he told reporters that a woman’s uterus might burst during landing.  Women continue to jump in spite of this dire warning with no injuries to their reproductive organs.In 2000, the Seattle Times (USA) reported that women were encountering red flags from coaches who offered resistance and suspicious arguments for why females shouldn’t polevault, “They weren’t strong enough. Their arms weren’t built to withstand the necessary force. Hard landings in the pit could damage their reproductive systems.”
These dire predictions have not come true. In the Beijing Olympics, Russia’s Yelena Isinbayeva set a new World record of 16’ 6 2/3”. No injuries to a woman’s reproductive system have been reported.FACT: There is no medical or scientific evidence that participation in any Olympic sport causes damage to a woman’s reproductive organs. This discredited myth is being used to intimidate women and discourage them from  participating in the sport of their choice.
 2009 Laura Gajardo, new Advisory Board member of WSI, recently conducted a study on women and sport in Chile
A research project was set up by Chiledeportes in 2006 and provides an overview of the female participation in sport.
Strategies and actions are outlined based on a three pillar concept: Health – Quality of Life – Physical Activity/Sport.
Chiledeportes has the objective to promote gender equality in sport and physical education.Findings include that in Chile 62% of females are considered overweight and sport and physical education are seen to have the potential to solve this current crisis. Long working hours, lack of motivation and the scarcity of sports programs are main constraints for Chilean women to get involved in sports.The following report summarises proposals to improve the current situation including the development of a public strategy to include women in sport, find ways of funding for women’s sports programs and the creation of a female sport infrastructure. The report provided by Laura Gajardo is available in Spanish language, Download the Report (Spanish, .pdf)



Minutes of the WSI Executive/Advisory Board Meeting held May 7-8, 2008 in Trikala, Greece are available, click here. (.doc, 59 KB)
 2008 WSI at ISCEMIS 2008, Guangzhou, China
WSI recently held a symposium at the International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport in Guangzhou, China from 1-4 August, 2008. WSI President Professor Kari Fasting chaired the WSI Symposium entitled: Lifelong physical activity for women – benefits and barriers. More…
July 2008 Impact of WSI fund assist in Cambodia goes beyond sport.
The disability policy being prepared by ANZ Royal Bank (see below) is a direct result of 5 CNVLD women in WSI funded wheelchairs in Battambang who, one day, were given the chance to open a bank account and could not access the bank.
The resulting consequences and superb action being taken by ANZ Royal including a national disability policy for all their branches shows how effective sport can be as a catalyst for civil society development.”
The Management of ANZ Royal adopts “ANZ Royal Disability Physical Accessibility Policy (hereafter referred to Accessibility Policy) for the design, construction, expansion, renovation and alterations of the bank’s buildings so that our facilities are conveniently  accessible by persons with disabilities.
This instrument will ensure that all building designs of ANZ Royal Bank are considered in terms of their accessibility to person with disabilities.
July 18, 2008 The Oceania Challenge
The Oceania Continental Federation together with all the Oceania National Table Tennis Federations present at the Oceania Women’s Table Tennis Forum, held in Tahiti on 6th July 2008, pledge to abide by the Brighton Declaration. More…
June 16, 2008 Election Results:
The 2008 election for WSI officers and Advisory Board members was uncontested across all positions. A formal election, as originally outlined on the website was therefore not conducted.
May 2008 Japan Society of Sport and Gender Studies
We concluded the Sixth Conference held on 7 and 8 in July, 2007 in Hosei University, Tokyo successfully. The theme of this conference was “Gender and Understanding of Sex Difference in the Research of Physical Education and Sport Science”. For a brief report, click
The Seventh Conference will be held July 5-6, 2008 at the Dawn Center, Osaka Prefectural Women’s Center in Osaka. The theme of this conference is “Media, Sport and Gender.”
April 2008 2007 Meeting Minutes
The Executive Committee/ Advisory Board meeting minutes of March 2007 (.doc, 67 KB) are available. Download.
April 30, 2008 International Forum on Youth Sport with a Gender Perspective
University of Thessaly, Dept. of PE & Sports Science, Trikala, Greece
The University of Thessaly and the Dept. of PE & Sports Science organize the 1st International Forum on “Youth Sport with a Gender Perspective”. The forum will take place in Trikala (central Greece) on Saturday May 10, 2008 at Matsopoulo Park (10:00am-17:00pm) and English will be the official language. Attendance is free of charge. Download a poster of the event. (.pdf, 385KB) Due to limited seating, registration can be completed by emailing your name and contact info at youthsportforum@pe.uth.gr
April 2008 New WSI member designs sportswear for active Muslim women 
Aheda Zanetti, Managing Director of Ahiida, recently joined WSI as a member.
Her company, Ahiida, is an Australian owned company that designs and produces quality swimwear and sportswear, for example the ‘burkini” (see photo). Ahiida garments are designed with the respect of Islamic values and aimed to enhance the lifestyle of the active Muslim female.Sports clothing requirements can be a barrier for Muslim girls and women who want to play sports due to cultural and religious beliefs. Ahiida is addressing this issue by providing specialised sportswear to suit the Muslim female allowing Muslim women to compete in sports with confidence.
For more information on Ahiida’s products please check out their website www.ahiida.com.
April 2008

It is time for the 2008 WSI elections and the procedures are in place for the nomination process:
Member-at-large, Executive Committee

Advisory Board (4 positions)

Nominations for these positions are welcome. For details, click here.

 March 2008 United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) PublicationFor the past several years, Dr. Carole Oglesby (former President of WSI) and a group of dedicated researchers have been working within the framework of the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) on a major publication on Women and Sport and sports effectiveness in promoting equality and social development. (See the interim reports in the WSI Initiatives section) The publication “Women, gender equality and sport” was launched at Feb 28, Commission on the Status of Women Meeting at the UN in New York City. This monograph is the latest in the WOMENWATCH 2000 and Beyond series.

Numerous WSI members, along with other experts from the International Working Group, the United Nations, and other agencies have contributed to the success of this project.

WSI extends its thanks and congratulations to WSI executive members Carole Oglesby, Johanna Adriaanse, and President Kari Fasting for their dedication in bringing this publication to completion. Former Executive Board member Elizabeth Darlison was also very influential in the early years of the Strategic Bridges project. It has been a WSI initiative for several years and we are pleased to see its publication. Download the Women 2000 Report (.pdf, 610 KB)

 2008 Check out the NEW IWG!Leading up to the 5th World Conference on Women and Sport in 2010 in Sydney the International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) has repositioned itself with a:

  • NEW Team….including 3 WSI Executive Committee members
  • NEW logo
  • NEW website
  • NEW Strategic Plan 2007-2012
  • NEW e-newsletter ‘The Catalyst’

Find out more about these exciting initiatives on the web site www.iwg-gti.org, and in the first quarterly newsletter



Dec 2007 Fellowship Opportunities
The Center invites applications for its RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIPS for 2008-2009 from scholars and teachers at all levels of the
educational system, as well as from artists, community organizers and political activists, both local and international. More…
Oct 20, 2007 Uganda Youth Ministries
Uganda Youth Ministries has created an educational sport program focused on an Anti-HIV+ message and Netball and Soccer for girls.  Such programs have utilized supportive materials and content from WSI members.
Oct 2007 Download a copy of the WSI information brochure  – Click here. (.pdf, 485 Kb)
Aussi disponible en français, cliquez ici (.pdf, 298 Kb)
Formulario en Espanol (.pdf, 299 Kb)
Sept 30, 2007 WSI Battambang Ladies Racing Team
-The ANZ Royal -CNVLD Wheelie Grand Prix is proud to announce the first ever WSI Battambang Ladies Racing Team. Established
through cooperation with ICRC Battambang, the DOSB-CNVLD Advisor and WSI, the five member team went into training on Monday 24th September in time to compete in the ANZ Royal – CNVLD 2nd Round Competition in Battambang on Saturday 29th
September. More…
August 2007 Reunión de Mujeres de ATTC en los Juegos Para Panamericanos de Río 2007
El día 15 de agosto, durante el transcurso de los Juegos Para Panamericanos de Río 2007, tuvo lugar la primer Reunión de Mujeres organizada por ATTC (Comité de Tenis de Mesa para discapacitados de América)….ATTC Women’s Meeting at Parapan American Games Rio 2007
On August 15th, the first Women’s Meeting organized by the ATTC (Americas Table Tennis Committee for the disabled) was held, during the Parapan American Games Rio 2007. More…
July 2007 Japan Society of Sport and Gender Studies
Report of Fifth Anniversary Conference available, Sixth Conference scheduled for July 2007. More…
July 18, 2007 CNVLD gets more Women ‘On the Move’
Since the inaugural ANZR-CNVLD Wheelie Grand Prix in May 2007, four more Female Athletes with a Disability have joined the
Racing Wheelchair teams. One-third of all ANZR-CNVLD Wheelie athletes are now female.
The CNVLD initiated the Racing Wheelchair programme in 2004 in acknowledgement of the exclusion to date of Cambodian Women
with a Disability from professionally managed national sports activities. More…
June 8, 2007 Lausanne IF Women’s Network 
The Lausanne IF Women’s Network met on 8 June 2007 at the Headquarters of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). The network is an initiative of Lilamani de Soysa, ITTF Project Manager and IWG member, and Brigitte Zuffrey from the International Motorcycling Federation, who both attended the IWG World Conference in Kumamoto, Japan. Following the conference, in the spirit of the Kumamoto Commitment to Collaboration, they formed the network for women in International Federations in Lausanne.
WSI Executive Committee member Johanna Adriaanse (Vescio) joined them at the meeting in which several exciting plans were developed.
To download the report, click here. (.pdf)
May 19, 2007 Gender Equity in Sport for Social Change
Women running for Social Change in Casablanca
More than 25.000 women and girls crossed the finish line of the ‘Course Feminine’, a 10k run organized by Olympic Champion Nawal El Moutawakel in Casablanca, Morocco on 19 May 2007. WSI member Anita White was one of 50 international delegates, who participated in the run and the four-day conference on Gender Equity in Sport for Social Change. Anita is one of the experts of WSI’s new task force on international development and peace. More…
May 22, 2007 National Women’s Games in Malaysia
The 2nd National Women’s Games will be held from 1-9 June 2007 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is expected that 2500 women will participate in 12 sports.A special feature of the games is the focus on women as coaches and officials. More…
May 22, 2007 About time! Senate inquiry into women in sport and recreation in Australia
The Australian Senate called for an inquiry into women in sport and recreation in Australia in March 2006. It is significant that it was a bipartisan inquiry which indicates that all political parties acknowledged that things were not “quite right” in women’s sport. The final report, aptly titled “About time!” contains 18 recommendations. More…
February 2007 IOC Adopts Concensus Statement on “SEXUAL HARASSMENT & ABUSE IN SPORT”
The Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has adopted a Consensus Statement on “Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport” . This unique document defines the problems, identifies the risk factors and provides guidelines for prevention and resolution. The aim of the Consensus is to improve the health and protection of athletes through the promotion of effective preventive policy as well as to increase the awareness of these problems among the people in the entourage of the athletes. Download the media release and Concensus Statement. (.pdf, 120 KB)WSI was well represented in the development of this statement, by Kari Fasting and Celia Brackenridge. The group developing the statement was chaired by Professor Arne Ljungqvist, IOC Member and Chairman of the IOC Medical Commission (MC), and coordinated by Margo Mountjoy M.D., Member of the IOC MC. Programme consultants included sports sociologist and former
national coach Celia Brackenridge of the UK, and former athlete and President of Women’s Sport International, Professor Kari Fasting of Norway.To see the WSI Position Statement on Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Girls and Women in Sport, click here.Feedback: Feb 28, 2007
Dear Professor Kari,
I would like to congratulate you for the IOC consensus statement on sexual harassment and abuse in sport.
Through this declaration, the IOC will be establishing all the guidelines for the International federations of all sports, including our IJF (International Judo Federation), to follow.
Best Regards,
Emanuela Pierantozzi
Jan 15, 2007 Thank you from Cambodia – Women’s Sport International Gets Rolling with the CNVLD
The CNVLD is proud to announce the sponsorship of six Angkor II Racing Wheelchairs, to be provided to the first CNVLD All-Women Racing Wheelchair Team by Women’s Sport International.
Jan. 2007 Request for Sports Equipment – Africa Youth Ministries Uganda
The following letter, recently received by WomenSport International, illustrates the power of sport to improve the lives of children who have lost so much. If your school or organization has some equipment to donate to these young people, please contact Mr. Kunihira directly. To: The International Director, Women Sport International
On behalf of Africa Youth Ministries Uganda, I am writing this mail to request for netball items i.e. uniforms, balls, sports canvas, netball rings.


Dec. 3 2006 UN International Day for Persons with a Disability: Cambodian Wheelchair Racers Take Phnom Penh by Storm
In celebration of International Day for Persons with a Disability, the five CNVLD Wheelchair Racing Teams made a striking  impression in Phnom Penh during the three major events over the weekend of 2-3 December 2006 with determined performances that set the standard for the upcoming 2007 National Wheelchair Racing League Competition. For full details, click here to download the story. (.doc 3 MB)
Sept. 2006 Malaysian Minister joins WSI
WomenSport International welcomes Dato’ Azalina Othman Said, Minister for Youth and Sport in Malaysia, to its membership. In recognition of her outstanding contribution to women’s sport in Malaysia Dato’ Azalina received a complimentary membership on WSI at the South East Asia Women in Sport Conference which was held for the first time on 21-22 September 2006 in Kuala Lumpur.
Sept. 1, 2006 Network to Further Women in Sport Holds Inaugural Meeting at ITTF Headquarters
A `Think Tank’ to help promote the presence of women in sport held its first meeting at the offices of the International Table Tennis Federation in Lausanne, Switzerland on Friday 1st September 2006. More…
August 2006 UNESCO
The Unit for Physical Education and Sport is currently preparing a DVD to promote UNESCO’s actions in the field of sport and
help raise funds for future projects. For this purpose, we are trying to collect photographic/audiovisual material related to sporting activities, particularly in developing countries. 

July 2006 Cambodian Wheelchair Racing Programme – Women on the Move
The Cambodian National Volleyball League (Disabled) or CNVLD, in acknowledgement that wheelchair sports development has been neglected in Cambodia, seeks to develop and implement a program of wheelchair sporting and recreational activities with a focus on the participation of women and children.
The CNVLD will implement a targeted promotional Campaign called “Women on the Move” in order to encourage the participation of women in wheelchair clubs and the competition programs. More…
May 2006 WSI at the World Conference on Women and Sport in Kumomoto, Japan
WomenSport International played a key role in the 4th World Conference on Women and Sport which took place in Kumamoto, Japan from 11-14 May 2006 under the auspices of the International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG). More…
April 2006 Right To Play SportWorks and SportHealth Projects – Volunteers needed
Applications are currently being accepted for International Volunteers to undertake one-year contracts as Project Coordinators and Communications Coordinators with Right To Play SportWorks and SportHealth Projects in Africa and South-East Asia. Volunteer
Training will take place in Toronto, Canada in the second half of June 2006. Departure for field projects will occur between July 2006 and December 2006.

  • SportWorks Project Coordinators in Chad must be able to work in a challenging rural environment with very basic amenities.
  • SportHealth Project and Communications Coordinator positions in Mozambique require Portuguese language skills.

For further details, please visit the Right To Play website at www.righttoplay.com or contact recruitment@righttoplay.com.
Hardcopy recruitment materials are also available. Please write to recruitment@righttoplay.com to request these.

2006 Cameroon Announces Women and Sport as Focus for 2006 More…

Nigeria announces plans to continue celebration of the International Year of Sport and Physical Education.

2006 Congratulations
A huge congratulations to the Turin Organising Committee of the Olympic Games for selecting eight WOMEN to bring the Olympic
flag into the stadium during the Opening Ceremony of the 2006 Olympic Winter Games. It was interesting to note that these women representing all continents, have made outstanding contributions not only in the sporting domain but also to culture and peace.

February 2006 International Federation of Skiing President says Women’s Ski Jumping too dangerous – may not be added to Olympic Program
With the focus of many athletes and sports enthusiasts around the world being focused on Torino Italy and the Winter Olympic Games, female ski jumpers are wishing they too could be competing. However, their international federation has not yet  requested the inclusion of their event for the Olympic Games. In fact, the FIS president has indicated ‘ski jumping is just too
dangerous for women’. More…
January 2006 UN Secretary-General highlights sport’s vital role at World Economic Forum
For the first time, the prestigious gathering of world leaders in Davos, Switzerland, brought together leaders from the world of sport to discuss sport’s role in improving the state of the world and plan new initiatives. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan highlighted sport’s contributions to development and peace at a media lunch on 25 January on the impact of sports in the world. Sport is “a global language, capable of bridging social, cultural and religious divides, he said, and “a powerful tool for fostering understanding,
tolerance and peace.” The UN is using sport as a tool in its work to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Mr. Annan noted, “from education, to the advancement of women and girls…
January 2006 Cameroon Announces Women and Sport as Focus for 2006 More
January 2006 Nigeria announces plans to continue celebration of the International Year of Sport and Physical Education.
January 2006 United Nations Convention on the Right and Dignity of People with Disabilities

Jessica Anderson, a representative from the United Nations Convention on the Right and Dignity of People with Disabilities contacted us recently because a change was made in a resolution regarding the right for individuals to sport that eliminates the protection of women and girls. The Women’s Sports Foundation has already given our initial support for the efforts that Jessica has underway. More…


International Year of Sport and Physical Education 2005
The year 2005 had been declared the International Year of Sport and Physical Education (IYSPE 2005) by the United Nations. The United Nations are now preparing a final report about the IYSPE 2005 and are looking for reports on activities and events. More…
Seminar to Celebrate “International Year of Sport & Physical Education 2005”
Prof. Dr. Akhlaq Ahmed. Pro-Vice Chancellor, (University of Karachi) was The Chief Guest of closing ceremony of the Seminar on International Year of Sport and Physical Education-2005 held in Karachi, Pakistan on 9th December 2005. He addressed the delegates of the Seminar and said that the celebration of the International year of Sport & Physical Education-2005 is symbol of our participation in the Universal community. More…
Dec 6, 2005 2nd Magglingen Conference: Call for greater commitment from all players
Over 400 participants from 70 countries at the 2nd Magglingen Conference on Sport and Development in Magglingen, Switzerland, adopted a Call to Action today, resolving to use sport to improve the quality of education and health, eradicate poverty, and foster peace and tolerance.
Download the Call to Action .doc 143 KB | Download the Press release .doc 158 KB
Nov 4-5, 2005 “Mediterranean Culture and Women in Sport”
Thessaloniki, Greece, 4-5 November, 2005, For more information,click here.
November 2005 IOC Medical Commission focus on the health of athletes
Protecting the health of the athlete is the primary goal of the International Olympic Committee’s Medical Commission (IOC MC). Recently two Consensus Conferences of interest to WSI members were convened at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The results of the Conferences: 1. The effect of the Female Athlete Triad on the health and performance of the female athlete, and 2. Training the Elite Child Athlete can be found at: 
September 2005 Election Results:
The 2005 election for WSI officers and Board of Directors has been completed. The following women have been elected by mail vote to fill the open positions of Officers and Board of Directors.
President: Kari Fasting, – Norway
Vice President: Barbara Drinkwater – USA
Member at Large: Johanna Anja Vescio – Australia
Board of Directors:
Chantal Amade-Escot – France
Phyllis Berck – Canada
Stilani Chroni – Greece
Takako Iida – Japan
Marcia Oxley – Barbados
Chris Shelton – USA
 June 2005  Notice to the Membership of WSIIt is time for the 2005 WSI elections and the procedures are in place for the nomination process:
Offices Open for Nomination:

  • President
  • Member-at-large, Executive Committee
  • Advisory Board (5 positions)
  • Vice-President

Nominations for these positions are welcome. Details…

June 8 -11, 2005 1st International Sports Psychology Conference 
“Exploring the Multifacet dimensions in exercise and sports psychology”, Nigeria June 8 -11, 2005 Details…
June 8, 2005 At a Soccer Match, Women Kick Iran’s Ban to the Curb
TEHRAN, June 8 — One of the victories scored at Azadi Stadium on Wednesday evening was Iran’s soccer triumph over the island nation of Bahrain, a win that guaranteed Iran a slot in next year’s World Cup tournament and set off dancing in the streets of the capital. Another sort of victory came about 90 minutes before the game, when a crowd of female soccer fans pushed their way past guards outside the stadium. More…
June 2005 UN Millennium Project Task Force 3 on Education and Gender Equality reports are now downloadable. For details, click here.
April 2005 Dr. Kari Fasting is honored with the 2005 Darlene A. Kluka Women’s Sports and Physical Activity Research Award
The Women’s Sports Foundation paid tribute to Dr. Kari Fasting of Oslo, Norway by presenting her with the Darlene A. Kluka Women’s Sports and Physical Activity Research Award More…




Statement on Transgendered Athlete participation
The Executive Committee of WomenSport International has been asked, through its member on the IOC Medical Commission Medical and Scientific Working Group, to support the Medical Commission proposed policy on Transgendered Athlete participation. More…
March 2004 III World conference on women and sport: recommendations
from the IOC web site. Details…
March 2004 WSI Position Statement: 
Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Girls and Women in Sport.More…
July 12 2004 Special Questionnaire
At the upcoming 49th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women from February 28 -March 11, 2005, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the fourth world conference on women in Beijing by reexamining the Platform for Action (BPfA) and its Outcome Documents produced at the General Assembly Special Session in 2000(also known as Beijing +5). To make certain that we have as comprehensive a picture as possible prior to the 10th year review of what is presently going on globally to implement the BPfA we ask that you complete a questionnaire prepared by the UN Division for the Advancement of Women. Bani Dugal, Chair, NGO Committee on the Status of Women, Principal Representative to the United Nations More…


November 20, 2003

World Congress of Women’s Golf to debut in 2004
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.– Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Commissioner Ty M. Votaw today announced the creation of the first-ever World Congress of Women’s Golf, a landmark event featuring worldwide industry leaders focused on the advancement of women’s professional golf. The inaugural staging of the World Congress of Women’s Golf will be May 20-22, 2004, in New York City during the Sybase Classic presented by Lincoln Mercury, which will be played in nearby New Rochelle, N.Y. More…

November 9, 2003 Report from WomenSport International to the IWG meeting in London 8-9 Nov. 2003
November 5, 2003 UN Declaration on Sport a Major Step Forward, Commonwealth Games Canada Say
Unanimously passed on Monday in New York, the UN Resolution proclaims 2005 as the International Year for Sport and Physical Education; calls upon the UN General Assembly to urge governments and international sport bodies to assist developing countries in building capacity in sport and physical education; recognizes sport’s contribution to fostering values that are essential to social cohesion and intercultural dialogue; urges recognition of the contribution of sport and physical activity to economic and social development and the building of sports infrastructures; and encourages the United Nations to develop strategic partnerships with sport’s stakeholders and the private sector. More…
June 4, 2003 Call for Papers – Women’s Hockey: Gender Issues On and Off the Ice
Centre for the Study of Sport and Community Health, Gorsebrook Research Institute, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
This conference will bring together hockey coaches, administrators, players, academics, journalists and others interested in women’s hockey and gender issues related to the game. The three day event will be held March 26-28, 2004 and will coincide with the opening of the 2004 Women’s World Hockey Championships in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 
May 31, 2003 UN-DAW manuscript
We have reached an agreement in regard to a planned UN-DAW publication provisionally titled Women 2000: Physical activity, sport, exercise and the achievement of girl’s and women’s development goals. The manuscript is to be prepared with the facilitation of Dr. Carole Oglesby, utilizing an international team of experts. The manuscript will marshall, summarize and interprete relevant data from the world over demonstrating and clarifying the roles of physical recreation, sport, exercise in meeting developmental goals prominent in UN treaty language (Beijing Platform for Action, Beijing+5 Outcome Document and CEDAW) and on-going initiatives and efforts. More…
March 30, 2003 ICSSPE announces first online edition of the ICSSPE Bulletin for members. More…
February 2003 Women’s Sports Foundation (USA) Statement : Annika Sorenstam Playing in the PGA and media statistics. More…
January 6, 2003 Women, Ink.; Shulamith Koenig and Betty Reardon of PDHRE Announce PASSPORT TO DIGNITY
Connecting the 12 areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action, PBFA, to the Human Rights Framework for the fulfillment of Human Rights of women of all ages, worldwide.
The guide and workbook uses the comprehensive framework of the BPFA to demonstrate the holistic nature of human rights as a powerful tool for action in the achievement of full equality, well being, and participation in the decisions that determine women’s lives. More…