WSI Position Statements

WSI Statement for UNECE Beijing 30 Review (October, 2024)

WomenSport International (WSI) Re: Leadership Changes in the Japan .WE League (September, 24, 2024)

Inclusion Statement and Reasonable Accommodation Policy (July, 2023)

WSI, and IAPESGW Statement in response to Sports and Rights Alliance article, ‘IOC heeds calls to embed rights’ as appearing in website (July 2022)

Updated Position Statement on Non-accidental violence of girls and women in sport (January, 2020)

WSI Statement on Gender Inequity in Japanese Sport Society (February, 2021)

WomenSport International Statement on Gender Inequities in NCAA Basketball Tournament (March, 2021)

WSI Statement on Paralympic Swimmer, Becca Meyersa (July, 2021)

WSI Letter of Endorsement – July 2020 – Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilities, their Families and communities (ITLPDFC) through Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Fitness to UNESCO Chair.
“Endorsement and support of the contribution to OHCHR with respect to Human rights Council Resolution 43/L.34 supporting the preparation of a study on sports following article 30 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities from UNESCO’s Chair Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilities, their Families and communities (ITLPDFC) through Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Fitness.”
Also – Read the full statement from the UNESCO Chair and Collaborators (.pdf)


WSI Position Statement – Sexual Harassment: March 2004